На 25 април 2014 во Македонската академија на науките и уметностите во Скопје се одржа Научна работилница на уредниците на биомедицинските списанија, под наслов Издавачки интегритет и добри практики во уредувањето во биомедицината – Publishing integrity and good practices in editing in biomedicine. Бидејќи официјален јазик на работилницата беше англискиот, во продолжение е програмата доставена на англиски јазик како и линк до презентациите:
10,00 Welcome greetings – Acad. Momir Polenakovic
10,15 Editing in the digital age: Editors and editorial research – Prof. Ana Marusic
11,15 Ethical issues in academic publishing and responsible publication of research – Prof. Elizabeth Wager
12,00 Discussion
13,00 Registration of participants for the Scientific Workshop for journal editors
14,00 Introductory speech – Acad. Momir Polenakovic
14,15 Editorial policies in journals from the scientific (semi) periphery – Prof. Ana Marusic
15,00 Biomedical journals in R. Macedonia: current state – Acad. Momir Polenakovic, Lenche Danevska, MS
15,15 Open journal systems: editor’s perspective – Prof. Zoran Zdravkovski
15,30 New international developments in publishing related to authorship – Prof. Doncho Donev
16,05 The road to the impact factor – Prof. Zoran Guchev
16,20 Institutional scientific impact of Ss Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in the Scopus database – prof. Mirko Spiroski
16,35 Editorial policies and good practices in editing Macedoniaan Medical Review and Bantao Journal – Prof. Goce Spasovski
16,50 Editorial policies and good practices in editing the journal Medicus – Prof. Azis Pollozhani
17,05 Editorial policies and good practices in editing Balkan Journal of Medical Sciencies – Prof. Dijana Plashevska Karanfilska
17,20 Does peer review work and how to improve it? New models in journal peer review – Prof. Elizabeth Wager
18,05 Discussion and concluding remarks